Life Coaching Certification Courses in France | Become Part of Global Online Coach Community
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Join Our Certified Life Coaching Courses for Coaching Certificate & Become Certified Life Coach
Start Your Practice As Life Coach, Executive Coach, Career Coach or a Business Coach
Life Coach Certification is an extra coaching specialization route module to research life coaching capabilities, tools, strategies and models required for existence training. This course consists of 60 hours of coaching training and 10 hours of specialization in life coaching. Life coaching certification changes life for personal and professional improvement and to help other to accomplish that. Coach transformation academy is an ICF permitted coaching certification training institute and our life coach certification is approved by ICF & ANLP. This course is carried out online, we’re proud to have life coaches attended our route online from various components of France like Paris, Marseilles, Lyon, Toulouse, & exceptional and lots of other places.
Life coach certification course is accredited for 60 hours of coaching training that is covered in 3 months of online training education. Training is conducted as weekly 3.5 hours of online classes. As in keeping with the requirements of ICF (International Coach Federation) you’ll also go through 10 hours of mentor coaching as 7 hours of group mentor training and 3 hours of individual mentor training. When you complete entire 60 hours of training and 10 hours of mentor training, you may undergo our specialization module of 10 hours to master your life coaching skills.
During this course, coaches will also learn life coaching models, techniques, tools and will practice them with peers and other coaches who are part of our global community. You’ll additionally be writing your personal life coaching module and we can guide you to make sure you increase the great working existence life coaching model for yourselves.
After you completed all your modules, Coach Transformation Academy will take your final performance evaluation test to ensure learning effectiveness and application of learning life coaching in coaching practice. After qualifying this test, you will be awarded with our certificate of Certified Life Coach. This certificate is valid with ICF and you can submit to ICF to get ICF credentials.
Click here to check our training calendar and to join online.