Online Business Coaching Certification Courses in Kenya
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Coach Transformation Academy is an ICF approved coach training institute and we offer this course as an ICF approved business coaching certification training program in Kenya. ICF is the highest recognized body of coaching and we always recommend people to choose ICF approved coaching institute and ICF accredited coach training program. Business coaching certification in one of the best coaching specializations for business consultants working in Kenya as it is an ICF accredited business coaching certification program. Business coaching certification is a great specialization for coaches who want to be a coach and have business acumen. Business Coach Certification Course is designed for anyone willing to become professional certified business coach and successfully start their business coaching business in Kenya.
After attending Business Coaching Certification training course, you can apply for ICF credentials as this course is ICF accredited professional coaching skills certification program for 60 hours. Participants will undergo 10 hours of coach mentoring as required for ICF credentialing to enhance your practical skills of business coaching, mentor coaching is covered in 7 hours of group coaching and 3 hours of one to one mentor coaching. After you completed coaching training and mentor coaching, you will undergo the specialization module of 5 hours of coaching training and 5 hours of assignment. In specialization module, you will master your coaching skills in business coaching skills.
In this course you will learn core coaching competencies and during this course you will learn the process to take a business from where it is now to where the business owner wants it to be. As a business coach you will coach and support the business owners in growing their business by helping them clarify their business’s vision, mission and goal and how it fits in with their personal goals. Aligning personal vision, purpose and goals to the business helps business owners be more motivated and provides them a more focused direction in their lives.
This course is fully aligned with ICF coaching competencies and you will be practicing business coaching by applying ICF core competencies in your coaching sessions and further getting a detailed feedback report on your coaching skills from your coach trainer. This course incorporates definitions, models and tools in business coaching. We focus on business psychology for coach’s and help them with coaching model, business management models and tools, methods and models for business vision and mission clarification and alignment to their personal growth and development.
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