ICF Executive Coaching Certification Courses in Manama, Bahrain
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Coach Transformation Academy as an ICF accredited Coaching certification training institute in Manama, Bahrain is the first priority of working professionals and aspiring coaches for learning ICF accredited Professional coaching certification program in Manama in Bahrain. Every organization prefers to have ICF (International Coach Federation) certified executive coaches for their organization for the development of the organization. Executive coaches are highly in demand in Manama as Manama is the commercial hub and executives from other nations are working and collaborating to cope up with people and their performance. ICF is the highly recognized body in the world known for its coaching standards. Coach Transformation Academy is one of the most renowned ICF accredited executive coaching certification training institute in the world.
If you are the one who is prefers online sessions instead of classroom workshops attend classroom sessions due to your work professional life, you can join our online course. Our executive coach certification training course is accredited by ICF as professional coach certification program for 60 hours. In addition to learning executive coaching skills, participants will undergo 10 hours of coach mentoring as required for ICF credentialing. Coach Transformation Academy conducts classroom training for ICF accredited executive coach certification program in Manama in Bahrain which is covered in 4 days classroom training followed by online sessions.
You will undergo coaching specialization module for executive coaching which is 5 hours module, complete executive coaching certification training will take 3 months from the time you attend the workshop in Manama in Bahrain. Coach Transformation Academy conducts executive coach training in Manama in Bahrain as 4 days classroom training in order to complete 32 hours out of 60 hours and rest of the remaining hours we will complete on online sessions. After you completed 60 hours, Coaches who will join our online course will also undergo 3 month of coach training, Coach Transformation Academy conducts one class every week in order complete online ICF accredited coach certification program.
Our executive coach training is blended learning experience of learning new Organization development coaching model, change management models and tools, team and group coaching models, other coaching tools and techniques, ICF coaching competencies and practicing them by applying in your coaching practice sessions and further getting a detailed feedback report on your coaching skills from your coach trainer.
Working professionals and coaches who have undergone executive coaching certification program has called this program a journey of transformation from where you are to where you always want to be. It is a journey of becoming an ICF certified professional executive coach and in your journey you will undergo modules where you will work towards understanding challenges that executive coach and organization suffers which brings you awareness of your own professional skill level and how can you improve self and evolve your organization’s and team’s performance and communication. This course empowers executive coaches to effectively facilitate organizational and leadership change.
See training calendar and attend the training in Bahrain, click here.
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