Coaching for corporate organizations brings many benefits such as increased employee engagement, motivation, better working relationships and improved performance. Supervisors and Managers trained on coaching skills act as a corporate coach just like a football or cricket coaches for their teams’ performance. Coaching skills trained supervisors and managers coaches their team focusing on corporate goals, mission, vision and values. Corporate coaches focus on team performance and align them to their organizational goals ensuring goals are met and teams’ performance is at peak making people their most valuable assets through coaching skills.
Coaching is a powerful and highly successful process to bring change in personal and organizational development. The secret of effective coaching skills lies in the power of asking right questions. These are empowering questions that are carefully crafted to create a mindful state. These are the questions that direct team members mind to unconscious thoughts and brings awareness that eventually brings greater clarity into their current situation. It engages people in thinking about their own best selves that put them to be the best at work to produce peak performance.
Some of the studies and research report the following about coaching at workplace –
- Coaching produced a 529% return on investment as well as significant intangible benefits.
- Results from coaching include increased self-awareness 68%, better goal-setting 62%, lower stress levels 57%, increased confidence 52%, enhanced communication skills 40% and better relationship with co-workers 33%.
- Training alone increased productivity by 22.4 percent, whereas training and follow-up coaching increased productivity by 88 percent.
Manchester Consulting 2002, IPMA Labs 2000; Report by Merrill C. Anderson, PhD, pub by Metrix Global LLC, 2001
Our corporate coaching program incorporate coaching skills into corporate culture to bring sustainable improvements in key areas such as internal and external communications, productivity, employee attitudes, employee engagement and retention. This course will upgrade management and leaderships skills of your supervisors and managers.
Program Structure
Coaching for corporate is a 2-Day intensive classroom training program that includes learning coaching models best used in corporate set up by managers and supervisors. Your teams will learn coaching theoretical framework that enhances their managerial skills and make them effective coaches. Your team as coaches will be given assessment tools to measure their teams’ performance and will be supported with practical session that integrates classroom learning with work place application.
Your team will be coached to bring awareness in the team coaching process. They will to execute strategies of the coaching process to help employees or teams to formulate action plan that supports overall organizational goal.
This 2-Day course will have participants understand the art and science of the following coaching process
- Fundamentals of coaching for performance
- What is transformational coaching and our proprietary “TRANSFORMATIONAL COACHING MODEL”
- How to engage employees through coaching and align their goals to organizational goals
- How to motivate employees and bring their best out of them for peak performance
Who should undergo this training
This course is beneficial for anyone who manages a team and is responsible for their performance. Supervisors and managers who wish to enhance their leadership skills are recommended to undergo this program. Here is a recommendation of employees who should be enrolled for this course –
- Supervisors
- Line Managers
- HR Staff
- Trainers
- Aspiring Coaches
- Anyone managing teams
This course can be customized as per the need of the corporate, please fill the form below to contact us or email at info@coachtransformation.com
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