Online Certified Professional Career Coach Certification Programs in Indonesia
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Join Our Career Certified Coaching Courses for Career Coaching Certificate Become Certified ICF Career Coach
Start Your Practice As Life Coach, Executive Coach, Career Coach or a Business Coach
Online career coach certification course is an advanced level of career coaching specialization course. This course is approved by ICF for 60 hours of coach training and is offered to working professionals and aspiring coaches of Indonesia. This course is covered in months of online face to face training with 3.5 hours of weekly online classes. After completing 60 hours of coaching training, you will undergo 10 hours of mentor coaching, which is conducted as 7 hours of group and 3 hours of individual mentor coaching. After this, you will undergo 5 hours of coaching training of specialization module and 5 hours of assignment on this module; this specialization module will make you master coaching skills into your preferred niche to become a professional career coach.
Coach Transformation Academy is an ICF approved coach certification training organization; we conduct online career coach certification for people living in Indonesia and for people living in more than 90 international locations. We offer this course to those who wish to see development in their current role in the organization and for aspiring coaches who wish to start coaching as a full time profession. As an ICF approved coach training institute, Coach Transformation Academy would like to recommend you to choose ICF approved coaching training institute and ICF accredited coach training program. ICF credentials will get you global recognition and you will be able to practice coaching as certified professional coach around the globe.
During this course, you will undergo various career coaching models, tools and techniques that will help you to practice coaching as a career coach. Once you complete this career coach certification course, you will be coaching people on career change, transitioning and fulfillment integration of building the foundations for the best of your clients with a realistic career action plan. Coach Transformation Academy also covers career coaching skills which are extremely useful to analyze your client’s current profile and their aspiration.
We also offers an optional business builder module for aspiring coaches who wish to start their profession as a business coach; module is covered in 10 hours of coaching training which is conducted as 5 hours of coaching training and 5 hours of assignment on it. Business builder module contains the business strategies, planning, making coaching presentation for coaching clients, structure of a coaching website and some other tools to start and establish business coaching career successfully.
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