Online Executive Coaching Certification Courses in Indonesia
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Coach Transformation Academy is an ICF approved coach training organization, offers online executive coach certification program to working professionals and aspiring coaches of Indonesia. This course is offered as 60 hours of coaching training program followed by 10 hours of mentor coaching, as per ICF guidelines this mentor coaching is covered in 7 hours of group mentor coaching and 3 hours of individual mentor coaching. There is also a specialization module approved from ICF for this program, this module is covered in 5 hours of coaching training and 5 hours of assignment to master your coaching skills into executive coaching skills in order to become a certified professional executive coach in Indonesia and globally. Aspiring coaches can undergo our business builder module which is a module of 5 hours of coaching training with 5 hours of assignment; this module makes coaches ready to launch their career as an executive coach on a global level. After you completed all the modules, you will undergo a final performance evaluation to ensure the learning effectiveness and application of learning, and after successfully completing the performance evaluation, you will be awarded with Coach Transformation Academy’s Certified Executive Coach certification. This certificate is valid with ICF and will need to submit to ICF to get ICF ACC Level credentials.
This course is the most demanded coaching course of CTA (Coach Transformation Academy) in Indonesia. We are proud to be the world recognized best online coach certification training institute, we welcome people to join our community to learn coaching skills to become an executive coach. We are an ICF approved executive coach certification training organization, and we offer this course globally to experience the skills of executive coaching and other tools and techniques that are required to become a certified professional coach. We always recommend this course to working professionals from HR, training, L&D, OD specialism and senior corporate individuals. It is one of the best selling courses of Coach Transformation Academy for aspiring coaches who look forward to becoming an executive coach and make their career as organizational development specialist coach.
During this program you will learn organization development models, change management models and tools, team and group coaching models and the other important executive coaching tools and technique, ICF coaching competencies and you will also practice core competencies of coaching and apply them in your executive coaching practice sessions.
Click here to check our training calendar and to join online.