ICF Accredited Coach Training Programs in Philippines
ICF Certification in Philippines
Join ICF Accredited Coaching Program to become ICF Certified Professional Coach
Start Your Practice As Life Coach, Executive Coach, Career Coach or a Business Coach
Coach Transformation Academy is an ICF approved coaching certification training organization and one of the best global leading organizations in the world. We offer ICF accredited online coaching programs for the professionals living in Philippines. This online professional coach certification program is one of the most selling coaching programs. This course is approved from ICF for 125 hours of training which is conducted in two levels. Level 1 is conducted as 60 hours of coaching training with some other required sessions, such as mentoring sessions, business builder module and specialization module.
Those who are starting coaching journey from the scratch they need to undergo the complete 125 hours of coaching training to become an advanced level of professional coach, and those who have already complete level 1 of ICF coaching they need to undergo 65 hours of coaching training only in order to achieve advanced level of credentials of professional coaching. We recommend this course to working professionals of Philippines who want to take their career to the next level and want to put more effectiveness in their current role, we would also like to recommend this course to aspiring coaches who wish to take coaching as a profession and want to help others by making them realize the inner potential to grow in personal and professional life.
Below are the details of these two levels separately.
Certified Professional Coach (Level 1)
ICF accredited online coach certification program is an online program conducted by Coach Transformation Academy for the professionals living in Philippines. This program is approved for 60 hours of coaching training and we conduct this course as level 1 of ICF coaching. This course contains 10 hours of mentor coaching, 10 hours of business builder module and 10 hours of specialization program. After meeting all the requirements you will be awarded by our certificate of professional coach which needs to be submitted to ICF in order to get the credentials of ICF. Let’s understand the process of completion of this course in details.
We conduct 3.5 hours of online class every week for 3 to 4 months to reach to the certification level. Mentor coaching of 10 hours is conducted as 7 hours of group mentor coaching and 3 hours of individual mentor coaching. We conduct business builder module as an optional module for those who wish to start coaching as their profession instead of learning coaching for their current role in the organization, this business builder module contains 5 hours of online training and 5 hours of assignment on it. Coach Transformation Academy offers a unique service, we offer specialization module of 10 hours conducted as 5 hours of training and 5 hours of assignment, coaches can master their niche with this specialization module and can become a professional life coach, executive coach, career coach or a business coach.
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Certified Professional Coach (Advanced Level 2)
This is level 2 of ICF accredited professional coach training. Coach Transformation Academy conducts this advanced level 2 professional coach certification course as an online program for the professionals living in Philippines. This course is covered in a total of 125 hours of coaching training for those who are new in coaching. Coach Transformation Academy offers this advanced professional coach certification (level 2) course to coaches who have completed 60 hours of coaching training (level 1), and wish to take their coaching skills and career to next level.
Coach Transformation Academy recommends you to choose ICF approved coaching certification training organization and ICF accredited coach training program as ICF is the highest recognized body of coaching in the world, you will get working exposure global with its certification.
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