ICF Life Coaching Certification in Saudi Arabia
Become Professional & Certified Life Coach in Saudi Arabia
Join Our Certified Coaching Courses for Coaching Certification Become Certified ICF Coach
Start Your Practice As Life Coach, Executive Coach, Career Coach or a Business Coach
Our Life Coach Certification training course is ICF accredited professional coaching skills certification program of 60 hours of coach training and 10 hours of coach mentoring. Life coaching is one of the fastest growing businesses in Jeddah, Riyadh, Al Khobar, Dammam and Dhahran in Saudi. Life Coach Certification Training course is one of the highly demand coaching certification training courses in Jeddah, Riyadh, Al Khobar, Dammam and Dhahran in Saudi. Participants have option to join this course online or as a classroom coach training workshop. Coach Transformation Academy is known for its best and world class Life Coach certification Training programs not just in Saudi but in rest of the world. We would highly recommend undergoing this course if you want to become a certified life coach as this course is accredited by ICF.
Coach Transformation Academy conducts professional life coach certification program in Jeddah, Riyadh, Al Khobar, Dammam and Dhahran in Saudi, there are 10 hours for mentoring during this life coach training. You will be required to coach your peer coach and basis your performance you will be given detailed feedback to further enhance your life coaching skills during this mentoring sessions. Coach Transformation Academy covers these 10 hours in two different ways 10 hours of group mentoring and 3 hours of one on one mentoring sessions with your coach trainer.
Coach Transformation Academy covers this program in 60 hours of coach training, all 60 hours are instructor led even online sessions are conducted face to face, they are not recorded sessions. Your complete life coach certification training will take 3 months from the time you attend the workshop in Jeddah and Riyadh. Even if you choose online life coach training course, it will take 3 months, classes are conducted weekly after your classroom training. Coach Transformation Academy conducts Life Coach Certification training in Jeddah, Riyadh, Al Khobar, Dammam and Dhahran in Saudi; we conduct life coach training in Jeddah, Riyadh, Al Khobar, Dammam and Dhahran as 4 days classroom training and remaining hours through online classes.
Life coach training is all about understanding different aspect of life and how they impact humans and their emotions. Almost every working professional and our participant has called life coach training as life changing training for them, in this course you will not only learn and become a professional and certified life coach, you will also identify how life coaching can help you identify your purpose of life. Coach Transformation Academy will help you discover how emotions, beliefs, values can block anyone to unleash their potential and you as a certified & professional life coach how can you help your client to move and perform to their best.
Our coach training is an extensive learning experience of learning new life coaching model, ICF coaching competencies and practicing them by applying in your coaching practice sessions with Coach Transformation Academy and further getting a detailed feedback report on your coaching skills from your coach trainer.
See training calendar and attend the training in Saudi, click here.
To join this course online, click here